Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Selling My Home

If someone had told me that selling a home was going to be something akin to a spiritual awakening, I would have fronted them with my signature furrowed brow, indicating they were a little "low on thinking gas." However, I now renege the furrowed brow.

Trying to sell my home has been an "experience," a term that positively expresses my disappointment, fear and soul crushing frustration – similar to a toddler temper tantrum, at having achieved less than I hoped for, and hoping for little. Upon purchasing our home five short years ago, I was both looking forward to this year, and dreading it. The five years of continuous $$$ output for renovations I perceived as stressful and rewarding. I was pleased with the tangible results from burning my candle at both ends (one end to actually earn the income, and the other end to expedite the renovations). To be continued...

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